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Flashback: Tyrone Le Mercier was adjudged Best School Bowler in 1960

Posted on 13 June 2013 by admin

1960 was an interesting year. W. Dahanayaka from Galle caretaker Prime Minister of Ceylon – a post card cost 3 cents and John F. kennedy had just assumed office. School cricket had reached a very high standard and become so competitive that spectator interest had pole-vaulted to a new high. With this backdrop, the popular media giant at the time – The Times of Ceylon conducted the popular School Cricketer of the Year contest picked by a non-biased panel of judges.
1960 was also a year that school cricket was studded with some outstanding cricketers and the game was becoming bigger than the players. Brilliant all-rounder Priya Perera captained St. Joseph’s College while that indefatigable batsman Premasiri Athukorale was the Peterite skipper. Both Priya and Premasiri are no more and may they rest in peace. Royal was led by that stylish left-hander Michael Dias and S. Thomas’s College was led by Lareef Idroos (now a doctor living in California).
Both SJC & SPC had strong teams in 1960 and a few of them gained recognition at the School Cricketer of the Year award ceremony. Tyrone LeMercier, Peterite left-arm bowler was adjudged the Best School Bowler with Josephian Priya Perera 1st Runner-Up and Peterite fast bowler Anton Perera 4th Runner-Up in this category. Tyrone lives in Melbourne while Anton lives in California.


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