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Algi Wijewickrema elected President, Pre-Seventies Group

Posted on 30 July 2017 by admin


Algi Wijewickrema

Algi Wijewickrema






The Pre-Seventies Peterites (or The Peterites' Group of Pre 1970 to give its official name) had its Annual General Meeting last Friday, 26th May 2017 at the OBU Secretariat followed by a social.

The Committee elected for the year 2017/18 is as follows:

Patron – (Ex-officio) Rector St. Peter's College, Rev. Fr. Trevor Martin

Vice Patron – (Ex-officio) President of the Old Boys' Union, Mr. Romeish de Mel

Vice Patrons – M/s. Harindra Sirisena and Jayantha Atapattu

President – Mr. Algi Wijewickrema

Immediate Past President – Mr. Harold Jansz

Senior Vice President – Mr. Erajh Balasuriya

Vice President – Mr. David Crusz

Hony. General Secretary – Mr. Nimal Jayamaha

Hony. Treasurer – Mr. Nihal Wijeratne

Hony. Assistant Secretary – Mr. Howard Daniels

Hony, Assistant Treasurer – Mr. Ranjith de Silva

General Committee

M/s. Hilal Abdulla, Srinath Fernando, Malcolm Atton, Mahinda Saranapala, Anton Blake, Rodney Martenstyn, Mindzy Gomesz, Hector Pietersz

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Message: From Algi Wijewickrema – General Secy. SPC – OBU

Posted on 01 July 2017 by admin

Dear Peterites young and old,

This would be my final official message to you all as your General Secretary and I write to thank you most sincerely for the wonderful cooperation I received from all members here and abroad in the discharge of my duties.

I consider it indeed a privilege to have been able to serve the St. Peter's College OBU and through it St, Peter's itself and hope that I was able to do justice to the position held by me. Please accept my sincerest apologies if there were omissions or lapses on my part in serving you as the General Secretary.

I take this opportunity to also thank Fr. Trevor Martin our Rector and Patron of the OBU, Romeish de Mel, the President, all COM members, the Presidents of Batch Groups and Foundations and Chairmen of sub-committees for the support extended to me during my tenure as the General Secretary and thereby making my job a pleasant one..

While thanking all for the cooperation given to me, may I request you to extend the same support or more to the new General Secretary who will be elected at the AGM tomorrow

See you at the AGM tomorrow and may God bless you, St. Peter's and the OBU.


Algi Wijewickrema

Hony. General Secretary

Old Boys' Union of St. Peter's College 


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