
FLASHBACK: Peterite Basketball Team 1957

Posted on 06 January 2014 by admin

Among the Colombo Schools, the Bens and Peterites always had strong Basketball teams in the 50s and 60s.

We have just come across an archived photograph of the 1957 Basketball team of St. Peter's College that featured prominently in the school season in this popular sport at the time. The photo has special significance to JPAA Canada since three of the star players are Canadians of Sri Lankan origin and have lived here for more four decades. Daya Chandraratne, Errol de Silva and Ranjit Wijeyesekere are the players in question who made Canada their home since the sixties. Daya is a Professional Engineer, Errol worled for RBC Royal Bank of Canada and Ranjit gained employment with the Ontario Ministry of Correctional Services. While in Sri Lanka Daya worled at State Engineering Corporation while Errol and Ranit were with Air Ceylon. Ranjit later had a stint with TWA before immigrating to Canada.

The group photograph brings back memories of two staff members who did yeoman service to St. Peter's College in the 50s and 60s. Jack Van Twest and Terry Louis. It must also be said that Rev. Fr. Arthur Fernando became Rector, SPC in 1956 and encouraged all forms of sport at college – Cricket, Athletics, Basketball, Rugby, Hockey and Boxing.

Standing Top Row L to R: R. Ratnasingham, Ranjit Wijeyesekere (Athletics & Rugby) and Gordon Koch (Tennis)

Standing Second Row L to R: C. Ratnasingham, Sam Rajah (Cricket), Hilmy Bhari, Daya Chandraratne, Maurice Silva, Sri Wigneswarajah and Linus Jayawardena (Athletics).

Seated L to R: Jack Van Twest (Coach), E.. Fernando (Capt.), Rev. Fr. Arthur Fernando (Rector), Errol de Silva (Athletics) and Terry Louis (Physical Training Instructor)

Talking of Basketball, names like Royden de Silva (Sri Lanka Double International – Rugby & Basketball),  and Sam Chandrasena (Sri Lanka Double International Badminton & Basketball) come to mind. Peterites have also produced national players such as Ismail Mahroof (Captain, Ceylon Team – U-18), Nowfel Mahroof, Kumar Bastiampillai, Rohan Rodrigo, Nemantha Hatharasinghe, Faizal Mohamed, Shohan Wimalaratne, Sujith Croospulle, Clifford Greig, Milroy Perera and Mario Motha who have all represented our country in this sport.



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