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Tickets II


Big Match 2014 – Ticket Prices

Posted on 06 March 2014 by admin

Tickets II







As per information received from College sources (both Colleges), the ticket prices are as follows:

Big Match at the P Sara Oval – 7th & 8th March

M Sathasivam Stand – Rs.2000/-

Dr. Rajan Chanmugam Stand – Rs.1200/-

Sathy Coomaraswamy Stand – Upper block – Rs.1000/- – Lower block – Rs.600/-

Mirando Stand; T Murugesu Stand; Singer Stand – Rs.600/-

E Block – Rs.300/-

School boys in uniform – free

Limited Over Encounter at the Premadasa Stadium – 15th March

A/C Block – Rs.2,000/-

Grand Stand – Rs.1,200/-

A and B Blocks Upper – Rs,700/-

A and B Blocks Lower – Rs,300/-

Algi Wijewickrema Hony. Editor (SPC – OBU) visit our Website http://stpetersobu.com "Like" FB Page https://www.facebook.com/obuofstpeterscollege

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