Notice of Annual General Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the 87th Annual General Meeting of St. Peter’s College Old Boys’ Union will be held on Sunday, 28th June 2015, at the Fr. D. J. Nicholas Perera Hall, St. Peter’s College, Colombo 4 at 10.30 a.m.
8.15 a.m. – Holy Mass
9.15 a.m. – Rector’s Breakfast
10.30 a.m. – Annual General Meeting
1. Read Notice convening Meeting
2. Opening Prayer by Rev. Fr. Rector
3. Two minutes silence to be observed in memory of Old Boys and Teachers who have passed away during the year
4. Excuses
5. Adoption of the minutes of the 86th Annual General Meeting
6. Adoption of the Annual Report for the year 2014/15
7. Adoption of the audited Statement of Accounts for the year 2014/15
8. Address by the Patron on the state of College
9. Address by the President
10. Resolutions, if any (only resolutions that have been received by the Hony. General Secretary before 31st May shall be tabled)
11. Election of Office Bearers
See attached Notice for more details.
Algi Wijewickrema
Hony. General Secretary
St. Peter's College Old Boys' Union
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