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Joes win Main Game while Peterites take Masters – 30th “Battle of the Saints” Annual Encounter in Canada

Posted on 09 July 2014 by admin

JOES2014The Josephian-Peterite game in Canada reached a milestone this year. It is 30 years since the launch of this game that has evoked much interest over the years and this year was no exception. 1964 Peterite Captain David Heyn and 1961 Captain Adiel Anghie were invited to be Guests of Honour at the game. David flew in from London, England while Adiel drove across the border from the U.S. The game is presented by the joint Josephian-Peterite Alumni Association of Canada (JPAA Canada) that was formed in 1984, and the first Sri Lankan School Alumni Association to be formed in Canada. The Joe-Pete is part of a major Cricket Carnival that includes the Royal/Thomian and Trinity Antonian. The services of two popular food vendors were secured for the event while DJ-Bede Beekmeyer provided appropriate music throughout the day. The honour of captaning the Main Game fell on Rod Diaz (SPC) and Arvind Kandappah (SJC) while Rehan Goonetilleke (SPC) and Milan Gunawardena (SJC) captained the Nasters game.

July 1 is Canada's National Day and celebrations are held throughout the country. With this backdrop, the "Big Match" cricket festival is held on July 1 which obviously is a statutory holiday. The joint committee of six schools (S. Thomas' College OBA, Royal College OBA, Trinity College Kandy OBA, St. Anthony's College Kandy OBA and Josephian-Peterite Alumni Association of Canada) plans and execute the tournament with meticulous precision. This year, young Rukshan Mendis of S. Thomas' College OBA headed the joint committee with Yoga Atheray (President, ROCOBA), Joy Perera (SACK OBA), Ananda Wickramasinghe (TCK OBA) and Upali Obeyesekere (President, JPAA Canada) contributing to the overall organization of this major event.

Detail scores will be posted shortly.


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