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Join CSLCA on Midland Church trip on Sunday, July 27th

Posted on 06 June 2014 by admin

MidlandDear Friend of the Canada Sri Lanka Catholic Association

Please find attached the details for our 2014 Sri Lankan Day – Holy mass in Midland has been scheduled for July 27th and the family retreat will be on 2nd of Aug at St Francis Xavier Church, Mississauga. Bishop Harold Anthony Perera and Fr. Darrel Coonghe will preside at the Holy Mass. We take this opportunity to kindly ask you to mark your calendar, and join us, together with your family and friends at these great Sri Lankan events.

Thank you once again and we look forward to your greater support this year.

If you have any questions, concerns or would like to volunteer to help in any way, please contact any one of the committee members on the contact list or e.mail us at

Devika & Kamal: 905 460 1247, Priyal & Shirani: 905 286 9760, Royce: 647 274 0936
Sheridon: 416 550 9592, Upali & Rohini: 905 785 7587, Kingsley: 647 719 8656
Bernadine: 905 459 7842, Milan & Anusha: 905 824 3222, Alex 647 564 5716

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