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NOTICE OF AGM – The Old Peterites Group of Pre 1970

Posted on 09 May 2014 by admin

Pre 70s Logo








Notice is hereby given that the 7th Annual General Meeting of The Old Peterites’ Group of Pre 1970, will be held on Friday 30th May 2014 at 6.30 p.m. in the Conference Room, 1st Floor of Old Boy’s Union Secretariat, St. Peter’s College, Grounds – entrance through Duplication Road.



1. Read Notice convening Meeting

2. Opening Prayer

3. Memoriam – 2 minutes silence to be observed in memory of Old Peterites who have passed away since the last Annual General Meeting.

4. Excuses

5. Adoption of Minutes of 6th AGM

6. Adoption of Annual Report *

7. Adoption of Statement of Accounts year 2013/2014 *

8. Address by the Patron

9. Address by President of The Old Peterites’ Group of Pre 1970

10. Resolutions, if any.

11. Election of Office Bearers:-

– President

– Senior Vice-President – 1 Post

– Vice-President – 1 Post

– Hony. General Secretary

– Hony. Assistant Secretary

– Hony. Treasurer

– Hony. Assistant Treasurer

– Committee Members – 8 (eight)

12. Election of Hony. Auditor

13. College Anthem


* The Annual Report and the Audited Accounts will be circulated at the AGM, if not circulated prior to the AGM


Resolutions if any, should be signed by a Proposer and Seconder and sent at least 10 days before the day of the AGM, addressed to the Hony. General Secretary.


By order of the General Committee 2013/2014




Stanley Lumanauw

Hony. General Secretary


2nd May, 2014

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