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SOCCER: Joes beat Peterites 2-0

Posted on 29 October 2013 by admin

SOCCERThrough the grapevine, we learnt that the Josephian-Peterite Soccer game played  earlier in October 2013 ended with a 2-0 win for the Joes. Before the game there was a lot of hype in the local (Sri Lanka) mainstream media about the game. The Daily News, The Island and Daily Mirror all carried a pre-game write-up with photographs of the team and other comments. Our website posted this on the site. However it is almost a week since the game ended and I have not seen a single news item about the result of the game. This is typical of Sri Lanka media. They create a big hype about an event prior to the event but do not follow-up and give a more detail account of actually what happened to the event. But what can we do from here but wait until someone picks up and informs us the result of the game.

Upali Obeyesekere – President, JPAA Canada

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