Back in country of their birth in search of roots
Family histories and genealogy are important records for us as families. They give us an appreciation of where we've come from and thus, a fuller picture of who we are says Humphrey Solomons(a famous name in the automotive industry and horse racing in UK) who is back in Sri Lanka after 40 years in search of his roots. Solomons who migrated to UK 40 years ago with his family, in search of greener pastures today is recognized as one of the leading racehorse owners in UK. He has also been the Director of Lustre Cars, Euro Cars, Global Motors and Continental Motors in UK.
Now semi-retired, Solomons with his wife Aloma is back in the country of his birth, both in search of his past as well as with the intention of giving back something to the country of his birth. Recently Solomons with Aloma visited 'Lake House' where his grand father Donovan Andree worked as a Journalist for the 'Daily News' in the 1940's.
In an interview with 'Daily News' Solomons said that he plans to join the automobile business in Sri Lanka in a big way. In the long term he proposes to set up a joint venture in the automobile sector between Sri Lanka and the UK.
Solomons is also very much interested in the local history 'by learning something of local history, cultural and religious customs of the day we can gain an insight into the rich history that shaped our ancestors' lives' he says.
Solomons studied in the St.Peters College from 1945 – 1951 and has very fond memories of his days at School.
Back after 40 years Solomons says that Sri Lanka has made remarkable progress during the period specially in the development of infrastructure.
According to him since the end of conflict Sri Lanka has become one of the most popular destinations for UK tourists. He plans to further develop this image with propaganda through his various business ventures.
The Solomons have three daughters residing in the UK. Their eldest Melissa is a very popular singer in the UK and has her own band 'Triple 6 Drums'. They have six grandchildren.