Note from Shawnn & Suzan Corera ……..
Please join us as we say good bye to Dad.
Visitation will be held from 3pm to 5pm and 7pm to 9pm
Friday, October 6th at
Molesworth-Williams Funeral Home
26401 Ridge Road, Damascus, MD
A Memorial Service will be held at St. Paul Catholic Church
Saturday, October 7th at 10.30am
9240 Damascus Road
Damascus, MD 20872
For Circulation Among Petes …PEN
Clarence Corera was a well known Peterite Musician based In Maryland. He is also the dad of Shawn Corera. ( also a former Peterite and popular DJ in the East Coast, USA) )..
May He Rest in Peace…
Clarence Corera
BY DIRK TISSERAJoseph Clarence Bernard Corera walked to the beat of his own drum. On October 3, 2017 Clarence (61) one of Sri Lanka’s finest drummers, passed away at his Maryland, Washington DC home in the United States. He would have turned 62 on November 18, 2017.
His death has left an indelible mark and a huge void on the music fraternity both in Sri Lanka and around the globe. Sri Lankan musos from all walks of life were deeply saddened at the news of his untimely passing. As hundreds of condolences poured in on social media and from around the world, Clarence, albeit must be banging on all the pots and pans in the heavenly skies above.
His high-school sweetheart and wife for 38 years, Darlene was overcome with grief. “We brought Clarence home from hospital on Saturday, September 30. Just last evening, on Sunday, October 1 we went to the mall and did some grocery shopping and he was in good spirits.”
“We had dinner and Clarence retired to bed. In the morning around 6.45 a.m. I made him a cup of tea and when I entered his room, he had fallen off his bed and was lying motionless on the floor,” Darlene said choking with emotion.
Clarence was diagnosed with a serious congested heart condition by doctors in the U.S. four years ago. He never smoked in his life, but two years ago more complications had set in,“ said Darlene.“Doctors told us that he was just not fit enough to undergo surgery. Later his kidneys failed and fluid had to be pumped out through his stomach. He was also on dialysis both in hospital and at home.”
“Clarence knew that his condition was not good but was always a fighter in life. He worked in the hospitality industry at a Bethesda Retirement Centre in Maryland as a chef right until August 14, 2017 and got along like a house on fire with elderly residents there.”
Clarence doted on his loving family and is survived by his wife Darlene, son Shawn, daughter-in-law Susan and grandson of five months, Cheynan. He also loved his music and food with a great passion.He leaves behind his sister, Marina in Sri Lanka and brother, Clement in Australia.
Visitation will be held on Friday October 6 and the cremation will take place on Monday, October 9
We, at The Sri Lankan Anchorman remember Clarence with very fond memories. He was part of a glamorous line-up of musicians that performed at our Tsunami fundraiser dinner dance in Toronto on May 7, 2005. Other members of that star-studded line-up included, Alston Koch, Tony Samaranayake, Raj Jalaldeen, Sherwin Jayah and Shanaka Viswakula.
A few years later my wife Michelle and I met Clarence and Dalrene in Maryland when on a visit. Clarence welcomed us with a sumptuous platter of mixed fried rice, shrimp and an assortment of other mouth-watering delights and we washed it down with a few stiff Scotch whiskeys. Clarence enjoyed a good drink and so did I. The company was perfect.
Clarence was a genuine soul. He did not have any hang-ups. He simply lived life his way.
Our deepest sympathies go out to his loving wife Darlene, Shawn, daughter-in-law Susan, grandson Cheynan, sister Marina and brother Clement.
“I hear the sound of distant drums
Far away, far away
And if they call for me to come
Then I must go, and you must stay”
Goodbye our dear friend…May you entertain the angels with your conga rhythms.