Tag Archive | "ARTHUR HAKEL"


A tribute to Arthur Hakel – Josephian cricketer, athlete and soccer player

Posted on 29 April 2016 by admin

This was sent to Susilough de S. Wijeyeratne by Vernon Davidson to share his tribute to Late Arthur Hakel, who was one of his opening bowling partners in 1968


In 1968 under Lalit de S W captaincy I was privileged to open the bowling with Arthur,who was just out of the under 16's & showed a lot of desire to succeed with hard work,application, & willingness to learn, he was very coachable. Arthur paid a lot of attention to our coaches late Mr. Farlie Dalpathado & Mr. Malcolm de Costa, Mr. Rayer Mr. AV Fernando & Mr. Laddie Outschoorn, & sought their input for his development. With his participation in athletics & also soccer he had a very high 'stamina' level which helped him bowl long spells into the wind, never complaining.
Trevor R you are right he was very 'graceful' in his approach to the wicket & a very fast arm action in delivery(a Malcolm Marshall look alike maybe Malcolm copied our Arthur) He was very quick.

Thanks Richard K for reminding about the "Hat trick" he took at Galle Esplanade in a third term game against Richmond College. It was a very windy second day & Arthur had them all 'at sea' with his pace & swing, I remember taking the catch to complete the hat trick & from day on when ever we meet, I call him "HAT TRICK HAKEL" We won the match by an innings thanks to the 'Great man'
Arthur displayed a lot of fighting spirit in his batting, he did not surrender his wicket without a fight, Us tailenders we stuck together & fought till the end. I remember Richard Kelaart Hector Perera Travis de Silva, Joe Selvaratnam Ananda Silva Arthur Hakel with our backs to the wall fighting our way out of trouble. Arthur was a good fielder as well & had a running battle with Brian Obeyesekere for the longest & fastest throws from the boundary line. Poor Lalith (wicket-keeper) copped a few nasty returns from the two boys…
I have never seen Arthur dispirited on & off the field, he always had a smile on his face, a very radiant outlook,very infectious attitude to life. Some days we would get a belting from the opposition batsmen (Royal College ) Arthur still carried a smile running in bowling his heart out. Funny thing was his hair was never out of place nor his shirt always tucked in place…even after bowling 10 -15 overs.
Arthur's contribution to College & the OBU is legendary. He will be missed by one & all. He fought a good fight with life & the Greater man" upstairs wants Arthur besides him….. Hat trick Hakel keep the shine on one side of the 'cherry'. Till we meet & swing again.

Rest in peace partner…..


Death Announcement shared by Susilough de S. Wijeyeratne – Old Josephian cricketer

Arthur Hakel the Josephian Sportsman of the late 60's Passed away this morning and his remains will lie at 59 Medawelikada Rd, Rajagiriya late in the evening today, the funeral will be on Sunday 1st May at 4.00 PM at the Borella Cemetry. Arthur played Cricket under Lalit de S Wijeyeratne and Brian Obeysekere in 1968 and 1969 as the opening Bowler he played Soccer and Captained the Athletics team of 1968, In Athletics he held the National Schools record for Javelin which was his pet event, in Soccer he played in the last line of defence. He was true sportsman of St Joseph's College and gave his all for Josephian Sports, He was once the Chairman of the Athletic Committee and also a member of the Cricket Committee. He was also the President of the Past Cricketers Association. He was a silent worker and went about his task to see his work bore fruit. A very humble and loveable person, surely will be missed by lots of Josephians.

God Bless you Arthur will be missed, and May you Rest in Peace

Arthur's son Adrian played Rugby and did Athletics for College

Adrian Hakel (Arthur's son) email address : ah_185@hotmail.com

Arthur Hakel


SJC 1961






Obituary Notice courtesy of Daily News, Sri Lanka


Dearly beloved husband of Angela (nee Hingert), devoted father of Natalie, Vanessa, Andrea and Adrian, fond father-in-law of Devapriya Perera, Sheyantha Abeykoon and Alwyn Martinesz, precious grandfather of Melissa, Dirane, Lyara and Jaiden, loving brother, brother-in-law and uncle, passed away peacefully and is now at rest with Jesus. His mortal remains lie at No. 59, Medawelikada Road, Rajagiriya. Cortege leaves residence on Sunday, 1st May 2016 at 3.30 p.m. Burial at 4.00 p.m. at General Cemetery, Borella (R.C. Section).  058752

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