Posted on 11 April 2016 by admin

Past students of St. Peter’s College around Australia and from overseas reconnected at a gala night in Melbourne on Saturday, October 1.Nearly 350 old Peterites, wives and friends got together for a night of reminiscing interspersed with skits and re-enactments of those schoolboy days.
It was the second reunion in three years and the Peterite spirit and enthusiasm shone through as strongly as ever. In addition to the good time, the night served as a fundraiser to benefit students at St. Peter's College, Bambalapitiya. Reunion organising committee spokesman Rienzie Machado said funds raised would pay for 3-5 scholarships over the next three years.“A Grade 11 and 12 scholarship is about $200. I am sure we can fund a few,'' Machado said.
The Blue that Crowns the World reunion truly lived up to its billing, with the highlight being the presence of old boys from overseas. Notable among them were former Peterite captains Travice Fernando and Michael Elias who travelled from Colombo. Machado said: “It was amazing to see the Peterites reconnect, it was as if we had just left the gates of our school. As organisers we aimed to lift the bar on the 2008 reunion and make it a night to remember.`What a terrific response we had from the committee and Peterites of all vintages.''
Music was provided by many past students including well-known entertainers Darrell de Silva, Randy Pieris (from Sydney) and Dwight Vangramberg (Perth).The brilliant choral group of young Peterites, based in Sydney, provided the audience with something special as they harmonised in true barber shop fashion. Other highlights of the night were specially brewed Peterite beers, a canteen re-enactment, fully catered buffet dinner, laughter-inducing skits and the appearance of Fr Rector aka Rienzie Machado.
However, the piece de resistance of the night was when Peterite voices were raised in a stirring rendition of the college anthem – Lend a Heart and Lend a Hand, with not a song sheet in sight.
Plans are now underway for the Peterites to reconnect again in 2014, with moves for the next venue to be Brisbane.
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