The messages that we give to others is in a combination of actions and words. Once spoken, harmful things cannot be taken back and instead can create a darkness for all. Elevate yourself above the realm where negativity exists and dwells. Make a vow to live your life with dignity and decorum so that it can be the platform for your light.
There will be those that want to stir the pot and embroil you in their cause. Examine what their purpose is and if it doesn’t bring positive, turn around and walk away. They will continue to try to draw others in, but for you it will not bring you hope. This is the life they have chosen and you are not required to participate in it. In taking a higher path you can continue on your own quest.
Mulling in the details can entrench us in confusion. It can cause frustration and the loss of thought and in that we can lose our way. Step outside the darkened clouds and look out to view the larger scope of things. In this you can tap into your calm and reach out in a positive way. In dignity and honor you can live your life and know in your heart you chose true.
In taking a higher path you can continue on your own quest.