Communication dated 9/20/2017 from Founding President, JPAA Canada

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Communication dated 9/20/2017 from Founding President, JPAA Canada

Posted on 20 September 2017 by admin







JPAA President Christy Joseph

Christy – please see e-mail trail below that is self-explanatory.

I am very disturbed with the thoughtless and impetuous e-mails going around from past members (2016) of our association. They have demonstrated bad judgment.

A few concerned JPAA loyalists have brought to my notice that you are facing intimidation and interference from four past presidents (two of whom are time-time residents of Canada) and their followers.

The other complaint is that the interim General Secretary has sent out a malicious e-mail in March 2017, from Sri Lanka that is libelous. His e-mail has been copied to countless number of non-members of JPAA Canada. This action on the part of Mr. Lloyd Wijesinghe tantamount to defamation of character and absolute mis-representation of facts. Publishing a false statement that is damaging to a person’s reputation is one thing, but to copy over twenty Canadians who have nothing to do with JPAA Canada is another thing. Two wrongs don’t make a right. This intriguing issue with Mr. Lloyd Wijesinghe’s errant e-mail will be dealt with legally next month.

Having said that, the intent of this e-mail is not about Mr. Lloyd Wijesinghe and his unauthorised e-mails. It is about the legality of the Special General Meeting held in April 2017, and the proposed Notice of SGM of 09/30/2017. This is absolute poppycock.

Let me categorically state, without reservation, that the Special General Meeting held on April 8, 2017, at Markham Ruby Club is ‘null and void’. Same applies to the SGM Notice of September 30, 2017, inadvertently called for by the Interim General Secretary Lloyd Wijesinghe.

Point at issue is that the Josephian-Peterite Alumni Association is a member-driven organization incorporated under the Ontario Statute of Not-For-Profit Corporations Act. The fiscal year is from January 1st to December 31st. This leads me to advise you that annual membership of all have ceased as of December 31, 2016. JPAA does not have any Members in good standing in 2017, and any meetings conducted in 2017 with 2016 members is not binding in a court of law. Any business transacted in 2017 by 2016 members is also not binding. Present status of JPAA can be equated to a “car in operation sans license plate”. These people are violating the laws of Canada.

The only statutory meeting you may conduct this year is the “Annual General Meeting” that shall be held on or before December 31, 2017, at which all Members in good standing for 2016 may participate.

Members of 2016 who are stubborn, conniving and manipulative can very well go ahead and have Special General Meetings all they want. But any/all decisions taken at these meetings have no ‘legal binding’ and I will vouch for this with the backing of legal counsel. So, you do not have to worry about nuisance telephone calls, or e-mails. I understand that you are at the receiving end of badgering, bullying and harassment by a handful of 2016 members.The Laws of Canada protects you, and you are entitled to report the matter to your closest police station if this continues.

As a general comment, I find that most of the ‘shit-disturbers’ within the organization have hidden agendas and do not have an iota of loyalty to our 33-year old organization. It is therefore my fiduciary duty to intervene at this point and offer you assistance to restore and maintain a semblance of decorum back to our joint association. Let’s work together and bring JPAA back together to serve the purpose and end objectives for which it was started.

People who wish to breakaway from JPAA and form other organizations may very well do so. No one is holding them back. But they should act with dignity and not deface the integrity of JPAA nor its loyalists. Nor should they expect JPAA to hand over its coffers to them. This is hitting below the belt and their cheap behaviour may be construed as Un-Peterite and Un-Josephian!

Please feel free to contact me as and when needed. JPAA is like a child of mine. I brought it forth, and I will nurture and stand by it.





Upali Obeyesekere (Tel: 416-445-5390)

58 Sundial Crescent, Toronto, ON. M4A 2J8

Date: September 20, 2017.

N.B. (Collins Dictionary definition of shit-disturber: ‘person who enjoys causing controversy or upsetting people)

To: Upali Obeysekara – Immediate Past President, JPAA Canada


Cc: Christy Joseph ; Valentine Balasingham ; Srinath Wijeyeratne ; Radley Perera ; Nelum Attanayake ; Aubrey Atton ; Anu Kandasamy ; Adrian Wijeweera ; Angelina Wijeweera ; Roger Payoe ; Upali Obeyesekere ; Milan Gunawardana ; Bhanu Wijeyesekera ; Puvi Ravi ; Srimantha Wijeyeratne ; Anthony Perera ; H ; Rehan Goonetilleke ; Taguram Thiagarajah ; Glen Ragell ; Peter Ragell ; Jerome de Kauwe ; Lyall Bakelmun ; ShirleyNirmali Perera ; larry.landersz@yahoo.de ; Jaywardena Nihal J ; Rod Diaz ; Ranier De Lambert ; Rajive Benedict ; jifernandez@rogers.com; jifernandez@rogers.com ; Philip Navaratne ; percynagthall@rogers.com ; Jeyer Rodriguez


No, I did not authorize this e-mail that you refer to sent by Lloyd Wijesinghe who goes by ‘rylewijes’.


I will deal with the matter directly with the sender who is Interim General Secretary appointed by me.




Please note that I, as JPAA Canada President did not summon a Special General Meeting for September 30, 2017.


We have other administrative issues that have come up in the last two months that need immediate attention.




We hope to have 2017 Annual General Meeting no sooner the 2016 Financial Statements are audited. This will


happen before December 31, 2017. You will be notified.





Christy Joseph


President, JPAA Canada



Sent from my iPhone









From: Upali Obeyesekere


Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 9:55 AM


Cc: cda.nattanayake@cmacgm-log.com ; Aubrey Atton ; pbwijey@hotmail.com ; Philip Navaratne ; Jerome De Kauwe ; JPAA CANADA ; Lyall Bakelmun ; Distribution List


Subject: Fw: SGM Sept. 30,2017







JPAA President Christy Joseph




Good morning Christy,




This is in reference to the e-mail below.




I have just one question? Did you authorize this e-mail?




As far as my records show, Philip Navaratne is the lawfully elected General Secretary of JPAA Canada at the 2016 AGM held in April 2016. When did “Ryle Wijes” assume the role of General Secretary, JPAA Canada? As a rule, I do not accept e-mails from anonymous senders. Authencity of this e-mail is questionable.




Sender obviously is not aware that JPAA Canada is a member-driven Not-For-Profit Corporation. Rule of law dictates that only paid up members in good standing are privy to communications from JPAA Canada.




It violates the “privacy law” when an electronic communication is sent to non-members. This tantamount to “hate mail”. Why is Arvind Luxman copied? He is not a member of JPAA Canada in good standing for 2016?




Your response to this e-mail is expected sooner than later!










Upali Obeyesekere


Founding President/IPP JPAA Canada


Tel: 416-445-5390








From: Ryle Wijes


Sent: Monday, September 11, 2017 3:34 PM


To: Christy Joseph ; Valentine Balasingham ; Srinath Wijeyeratne ; Radley Perera ; Nelum Attanayake ; Aubrey Atton ; Anu Kandasamy ; Adrian Wijeweera ; Angelina Wijeweera ; Roger Payoe ; Upali Obeyesekere ; Milan Gunawardana ; Bhanu Wijeyesekera ; Puvi Ravi ; Srimantha Wijeyeratne ; Anthony Perera ; H ; Rehan Goonetilleke ; Taguram Thiagarajah ; Glen Ragell ; Peter Ragell ; Jerome de Kauwe ; Lyall Bakelmun ; ShirleyNirmali Perera ; larry.landersz@yahoo.de ; Jaywardena Nihal J ; Rod Diaz ; Ranier De Lambert ; Rajive Benedict ; jifernandez@rogers.com


Cc: jifernandez@rogers.com ; Philip Navaratne ; Arvind Luxman ; percynagthall@rogers.com ; Jeyer Rodriguez


Subject: SGM Sept. 30,2017







Pursuant to the General Communique dated August 23, 2017, issued by Christy Joseph, the President of the Josephian-Peterite Alumni Association of Canada – members of good standing in the JPAA, Canada requests a Special General Meeting under section 10 of the JPAA, Canada Constitution.



Notice is hereby given that:




A Special General Meeting of the Josephian-Peterite Alumni Association of Canada will be held on Saturday, September 30, 2017 at 9:30 am to 12 noon




To require the current President, Christy Joseph to produce details and documentary evidence of the transactions that took place with the TD Bank,         Fairview Branch prior to the closing of the JPAA, Canada accounts held at that Branch.


To require the President, Christy Joseph to produce documents relating to the opening of any new JPAA, Canada bank accounts with supporting bank statements.


To require the President, Christy Joseph to provide proof of remittances made to the two Colleges mentioned in his General Communique.


Based on the information provided by the President, Christy Joseph, pass a suitable resolution relating to these and other matters.




R. Lloyd Wijesinghe,


General Secretary,


Josephian-Peterite Alumni Association, Canada

















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